• DOMEL真空吸尘器电机


     品牌:DOMEL  型号:真空   
    Domel 从其丰富的工业传统中汲取创造力,是全球公认的各种DOMEL吸尘器电机的开发制造商和供应商。通过我们的代表处网络,Domel 的业务遍及全球所有领先市场,我们的电机用于全球超过 3 亿台家用电器。
    Domel draws its creative energy from its rich industrial tradition, and is a globallyrecognized developmental manufacturer and supplier of various electric motors.Through our network of representative offices, Domel is present on all of the world'sleading markets and our motors are used in over 300 million appliances worldwide.
    我们是一家具有清晰愿景和内部开发的开发供应商,通过它,我们在单个产品和设备的各个层面创造趋势和技术解决方案,Domel 获得了独立技术和消费者组织的众多奖项,我们的实验室是国内和国际发展网络的一部分,我们在社会责任方面投入了大量资金,并与众多行业分支的制造商享有长期合作。
    We are a developmental supplier with a clear vision and in-house development, throughwhich we create trends and technical solutions at all levels of individual productsand devices, Domel has received numerous awards from independent technical andconsumer organizations, our laboratories are part of the national and internationaldevelopment network, we invest a great deal into social responsibility and enjoy long.standing collaboration with manufacturers in numerous branches of industry.
    DOMEL吸尘器电机有几个系列,非常适合任何干式或湿式真空应用。它们由优质材料制成,可以在高速和高负载下运行。它们所展示的高能效是空气流动的计算机模拟、*佳磁通量和用于优化空气动力学、声学、振动动力学、电磁特性和 EMC 干扰的实验室测试的产物,所有真空电机都经过全面测试,以确定它们的谐振频率和它们对结构完整性的影响。
    There are several series of Domel vacuum motors, allowing for a perfect fit to anydry or wet vacuum application. Built from high quality materials, they can operate athigh speeds and high loads. The high energy efficiency they display is the product ofcomputer simulations of air flow, optimal magnetic flux and lab tests used to optimisethe aerodynamics, acoustics, vibration dynamics, electromagnetic characteristics andEMC interference, All vacuum motors are subjected to thorough testing to determinetheir resonant frequencies and the effect they have on structural integrity.
    Our organizational structure allows us to respond flexibly to our customer's individualrequirements. First-class standards are assured by our in-house quality managementsystem, where the development phase is strongly connected to the needs of ourcustomers. With the help of various simulation techniques we can design the rightelectric motor for any application. The basis of our expertise lies in our highly motivatedstaff, who can, by the use of modern methods and equipment, develop a state-of-the-art product.
    所有DOMEL真空吸尘器电机均使用 3D 建模软件开发并经过精确的实验室测试,其设计本质上符合当地法规和标准,包括组件和组件级别。另一件值得注意的事情是,我们所有的真空电机都可以适应全球可用的电压。它们被集成到由金属板或 BMC 制成的骨架框架或底盘中,并在高度自动化的生产线上制造。我们的系统确保所有制造阶段的完全可追溯性和 100% 在线质量测试。在开发阶段,电机的 aldrive 和 aerodvnamic 部件要经过耐久性测试,包括机械应力、振动、温度冲击和增加的电压,以确保无与伦比的可靠性。
    Developed using 3D modelling software and with precise lab testing, all vacuum motorsare designed to be inherently compliant with local regulations and standards, bothat an assembly and at a component level. Another thing worth noting is that all ourvacuum motors can be adapted to globally available voltages. They are integrated intoa skeleton frame or a chassis made out of sheet metal or BMC and are made onhighly automated production lines.Our system ensures total traceability and 100%inline quality testing throughout all manufacturing phases. In the development phase, aldrive and aerodvnamic parts of the motors are subjected to endurance tests comprisincof mechanical stress, vibration, temperature shock and increased voltage, in order toensure unparalleled reliability.
    Another important feature of our motors, in addition to their compact build, is theirvery low noise level. This is optimised by lowering and, in some cases, completelyeliminating aerodynamic and structural sources of noise. Primarily, the low noise level isachieved by using ideal geometry of the flow path which enables turbulence-free flow.Another important role in ensuring low noise is played by the suitable structural rigidityof individual components and assemblies. The motors that are to be installed intoespecially silent appliances are additionally equipped with sound barriers and sound.absorbing materials. Domel is the first manufacturer to start installing sound absorbersinto the majority of its products.
    All vacuum motors are built using strict European and global industrial and environmentalstandards, enabling them to achieve incredibly high efficiency throughout their life-span.
    441 系列DOMEL吸尘器电机是所有能源标签应用以及功率要求较高的应用的佳选择。他们的设计允许 300 W 至 1200 W 的功率配置和 12 V 至 240 V 的电压,这些轻巧可靠的电机Domel按照欧洲标准生产。
    Series 441 vacuum cleaner motors are the optimal choice for all energylabel applications as well as those with higher power requirements. Theirdesign allows power configurations from 300 W to 1200 W and voltagesfrom 12 V to 240 V, These lightweight and reliable motors are produced inDomel's plant in accordance with European standards.
    457 系列真空电机的主要特点是出色的功率重量比、高效率和小尺寸。通过电机专为湿式和干式应用而设计,具有双重绝缘功能,并配有用于电机冷却的独立风扇。其设计使我们能够选择功率范围为 300W 至 1100 W、电压范围为 18 V- 48 V DC 至 240 V 的电机,使其成为各种真空和鼓风机应用的佳选择。
    Main attributes of series 457 vacuum motors are excellent power to weightratio, high efficiency and small size. By pass motors are designed for wetand dry applications, are double insulated and are equipped with separatefan for motor cooling.Their design enables us to choose motors withranging power from 300W to 1100 W and voltages from 18 V- 48 V DC to240 V make it best choice for a variety of vacuum and blower applications.
    458 系列DOMEL真空吸尘器电机效率高,旨在满足所有能源标签要求。它们涵盖 300 W 至 800W 的功率和 12 V 至 240 V 的电压,在高度自动化的生产线上制造。先进的控制设备在装配过程中和装配过程中检查每个电机。该电机的高效率、紧凑的尺寸、低重量功率比和高质量使其成为各种真空和鼓风机应用的*佳选择。
    Series 458 vacuum cleaner motors are highly efficient and designed tocover all energy label requirements. Covering power from 300 W to 800W and voltages from 12 V to 240 V, they are manufactured on highlyautomated production lines. Advanced control devices inspect everymotor both during and at the end of the assembly process. The motor'shigh efficiency, compact size, low weight-to-power ratio and high qualitymake it the best choice for a variety of vacuum and blower applications.
    459 系列DOMEL电机鼓风机的主要特点是在相对较低的气流下实现高压。除此之外,它还具有出色的功率重量比,即使在半爆炸性环境中也能运行小巧而坚固。设计允许选择功率范围为 200 W 至*大 650 W、电压范围为 18-240V 的电机。可根据要求提供定制设计。
    Main attribute of series 459 blowers are high pressure at relatively lowairflows.Beside those it has excellent power to weight ratio, small androbust operation even at semi-explosive environments. Design enables tochoose motors with ranging power from 200 to max. 650 W and voltagesfrom 18-240V. Custom design is awailable upon request.
    463 系列DOMEL真空吸尘器电机涵盖广泛的功率范围,从 450 W 到 2200 W,电压从 12 V 到 240 V。463 系列电机的直径为 110 mm 至 120 mm,主要用于各种吸尘设备和鼓风机。它们是高度自动化的生产线,具有 100% 的在线质量测试。所有 463 系列电机都安装在 BMC 脲醛底盘中,进一步提高了其功率重量比。这使得 463 系列电机成为*先进的,使其具有*高的功率重量比,高达 665 W/kg。
    Series 463 vacuum cleaner motors cover a broad spectrum of power,ranging from 450 W to 2200 W and voltages from 12 V to 240 v. Series 463motors are available in diameters of 110 mm to 120 mm, and are mostlyused in various vacuuming appliances and blowers.They are manufacturedon highly automated production lines with 100% inline quality testing.All series 463 motors are housed in a BMC duroplast chassis, furtherincreasing their power-to-weight ratio.This makes the series 463 motorsstate-of-the-art, allowing them to have the highest power-to-weight ratio,up to 665 W/kg.
    467 系列DOMEL真空吸尘器电机的效率进一步证明了其出色的功率重量比,使其成为我们环保系列的佼佼者。467 系列DOMEL真空吸尘器电机可以安装在机箱中,以便轻松更换刷子,从而进一步延长其使用寿命。还可以安装分离器和滤水器。这些电机的主要优点是体积小、占空比高、真空功率高,可与多级电机相媲美。467 系列电机用于各种吸尘应用,功率高达 1900 W,电压范围为 12 V 至 240 V,采用双重绝缘,不需要接地。
    The efficiency of series 467 vacuum cleaner motors is further proof oftheir excellent power to weight ratio, making them top of our eco-friendlyrange. Series 467 vacuum cleaner motors can be mounted into a chassisthat allows for an easy brush replacement, extending their life-span further.Separators and water filters can also be installed. The main advantages ofthese motors are their compact size, high duty cycle and high vacuumingpower, comparable with that of a multi-stage motor. Series 467 motorsare used in various vacuuming applications with a power of up to 1900 W,available in voltages from 12 V to 240 V, are double insulated and do notrequire grounding provision.
    491 系列湿式DOMEL吸尘器电机在设计时考虑了环保和能源效率。除了坚固的骨骼结构外,它们还产生非常低的噪音水平。凭借其铝制结构和额外的轴承保护,它们能够进行重型操作。由于其极高的工作负压或正压,单级、两级或三级配置的 491 系列电机可用于各种电器,特别是中央真空吸尘器、商业/工业应用和鼓风机。
    Series 491 wet vacuum cleaner motors are designed with eco-friendlinessand energy efficiency in mind. In addition to their robust skeletal structure.they also produce very low noise levels. With their aluminium constructionand additional bearing protection, they are capable of heavy duty operation.Due to their extremely high operating negative or positive pressure, series491 motors in one, two or three-stage configuration can be used in variousappliances, particularly central vacuum cleaners, commercial/industrialapplications and blowers.
    492 系列DOMEL真空吸尘器电机有一级、二级或三级配置。它们采用坚固的金属骨架底盘,BMC.In 与 467 系列电机相比,492 系列电机在较低的转速下使用。它们的大功率高达 2000 W,电压范围为 12 V 至 240V。所有用于干湿应用的真空电机都可以根据客户的要求采用单绝缘或双绝缘。
    Series 492 vacuum cleaner motors come in one, two or three-stageconfiguration.They come in a robust skeletal chassis from metal or BMC.In comparison to series 467 motors, series 492 motors are used at lowerRPMs. Their maximum power is up to 2000 W, and they are availablein voltages from 12 Vto 240V. All vacuum motors for dry and wetapplications can be built with single or double insulation, depending onthe client's requirements.lf double insulation is used, grounding provisionis not required.
    496 系列DOMEL电机可用于单级或两级配置,额定功率高达 2500 W。它们的骨骼结构直径为 145 毫米,是*坚固的。所有电机都配备了易于更换的电刷,可以延长其使用寿命。根据客户的要求,它们可以适应 12 V 至 240 V 之间的工作电压。
    Series 496 vacuum cleaner motors areavaiable in oneor twostage configuration, with power ratings of up to 2500 W. Their skeletalconstruction with a diameter of 145 mm is among the most robust. Allmotors are equipped with easily replaceable brushes, allowing their life.span to be extended. Depending on the client's requirements, they can beadapted to an operating voltage between 12 V and 240 V.
    498 系列DOMEL真空吸尘器电机设计有同时驱动皮带驱动刷辊的选项。其骨架结构的直径为 106 mm,可提供两级配置。它们可以在较低的 RPM 下运行,功率高达 1200 W,常用于立式真空吸尘器和低功率电器。
    Series 498 vacuum cleaner motors are designed with an option tosimultaneously drive a belt driven brush roll. Their skeletal construction hasa diameter of 106 mm, and are available in a two-stage configuration.Theycan operate at lower RPMs and with a power of up to 1200 W, and are mostcommonly used in upright vacuum cleaners and low-power appliances.
    来自729家族的旁通无刷鼓风机具有长寿命、高效率和清洁操作的特点,无需刷子产生的碳尘。这个电机家族的鼓风机可以用于湿式和干式抽吸。这些特性使其适用于家庭使用和工业中的各种真空、压力和气流应用。该DOMEL电机可在 250 W 至 1200 W 的宽功率范围内高效运行,适用于低压直流(12V 及以上)和高压交流(120-230V)应用。
    The bypass brushless blowers from family 729 offer's long operationallife, high efficiency, and clean operation without carbon dust from brushesBlowers from this motor family can be used for wet & dry aspiration.Theseproperties make them suitable for a wide range of vacuum, pressure, andairflow applications in household use and industry. The motor operatesefficiently over wide power range of 250 W to1200 W and is suitable for lowvoltage DC (12V and above) and high voltageAC(120-230V)applications
    DOMEL真空吸尘器电机系列 759 是可靠性和高效率要求应用的*佳选择。这款紧凑型旁路电机具有出色的功率重量比,设计用于潮湿和干燥应用。无刷电机技术可在 250 W 至 1200 W 之间的宽功率范围内实现*高效率,适用于 12 V 至 48 V 及以上的电池驱动应用。模块化的空气动力学设计可实现从低气流到超高气流的各种压力-流量性能曲线。
    The vacuum cleaner motor family 759 is the optimal choice for applicationswhere reliability and high efficiency are essential. This compact bypassmotor has an excellent power-weight ratio and is designed to be used inwet and dry applications. Brushless motor technology enables the highestefficiency over a wide power range, usually between 250 W and 1200 W,and is suitable for battery driven applications from 12 V to 48 V and above.The modular, aerodynamic design enables a variety of pressure-flowperformance curves, from low to ultra-high airflow.
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